Inspiration – Dashun Wang
Deshun Wang – A Name an Inspiartion also famously known as the “Hottest Grandpa” in china. He birth and brought up all happened to be in Shenyang, China. He came to lime light after the rocked the ramp on Chinese fashion week, a catwalk show:). He is nowadays a new and totally out of the mind internet sensation who by telling the story of his life let the people know that nothing is impossible to start whatever the age you belong to.
The day on ramp is the life changer for him at the age of 80, as he said that people started to looking at him as soon as he rocked the ramp for the fashion cat walk. But to get to this day he had not only worked hard but there is a story of unsuccessful events of life that took his 60 years of life.
Lets have a brief look on his life to see what were the events that happened to produce the determination and devotion for this Oldest Hot model to rock the ramp.
By the age of 24 he was a theatrical actor and the vision by then was to make earnings to run the expences for him and the family. At 44 he started to learn English and after years of struggle he made his own pantomime troupe, went to the metropolitan city of China: Beijing and got the name from the people as “Beijing Drifter” he had nothing on his name everything has to be started from trash. Now life took its turn and at the age of 50 he visited and joined his first gym and started working out at gym and put its best and continued for few years. At 57 with all the new looks he decided to rejoin the stage again and the new vision created the world’s only form of performing arts known as “Living Sculpture Performance” .
At 70 years of age he really got in to working out again and started to do it at long hours and develop his body to get to the catwalk that seems to him as a dream, it all came true when he was 79 when he get his first catwalk offer and he amazed the world and get hi new name “The Hottest Grandpa” , he is 80 this year yet full of energy and more dreams to come true.
What he thinks and we believe that life is never to short to dream and make those dreams to come true by exploring the will and potential that everyone has with in him. Its never too late for anything, anything at all and if you think you are too old or too late be careful and revisit your thoughts as this all are the excuses that we give to ourselves rather no one can stop anyone to achieve his dreams and success but ourselves.
He said and i quote “whenever there is the time to shine, be the brightest”.