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Most Visited Places on Earth “2011”

The struggle of human race to conquer this world never been fulfilled by anything other than travelling , leaning , observing  cultures  and finding things to be kept  sage either in memories or as monuments . Seeing places on screen is far different then watching them with your own eyes. The inspiration took you from Himalaya to Hawaii. This is what that fascinate everyone having same effect on me as well.

As I have roamed a lot but never gone through the stats but this time when  I was planning to visit east  a statement caught my eye that  “Bangkok is the 3rd most visited city on earth” , and I was a king of shocked , How come! Then I set my brain to active mode to start a research to know about other cities at least for the first en places. Research didn’t  took that long.  In fact just  few hours, The only  thing that makes me go  “wow”  was the Ranking of Dubai at no 7 as I thought Dubai will be enjoying  its self at first place.

Now, let me share my findings with you guys in this specific article.


Paris: France

French capital city hold its place at number 1 , the popular destination of honeymoon couples being a romantic  city. The  among architecture the museums and buildings complete the picture for your holidays. Romantic café’s, old churches and monuments likes. Notre Dam Cathedral, Louvru Museum,  Les Invalids and off course Eiffel Tower are the stuff that puts Praised the first place when planning to visit Europe.

Paris enjoys around 15 million visitors a years.

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London: UK

The Hospitality of the Royal family of Britain attracts around 14 million visitors per annum to the capital of United Kingdom London. With its uniqueness it offers visitors diversified things to look at having Museums especially “Natural History Museum, Charles Dickens Museum” gardens like Convent Garden, London zoo, sites like London eye, Trafalgar square, the globe theater and Madame Tussauds  adds many more reasons to London. Last but not the least The Bell “Big Ben” being famous in entire world with Buckingham Palace add more colors to it.  As well said and I quote “if you get bored of London , you get bored of life.” I unquote.


Bangkok: Thailand

In Bangkok at 3rd place offers you with its modernization with antiqueness, it enjoys around 10.6 million visitors a years. It has too much to offers besides Skyscrapers and busy city life. It got templates housing statues of Buddha. Then Grand Palace and finally the most notorious backpackers street “Iconic Khaosan Road”.


Singapore: Singapore

Singapore  around 9.9million visitors a years , catching up Thailand after getting  separation from Malaysia it offers its  best to tourist and it will be becoming tropical hub in coming years .


Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia attracts around 9.27 million visitors a years. The PETRONAS were the tallest structure on earth from 1998-2004, other Sky scrapers at KLCC is much of a fascination for coming visitors.


New York: USA

New York at sixth place enjoys around, 9.06 million visitors a year. Time Square being a leading attraction accompanied by Empire State building, Statue of liberty, Broadway Theater, Metropolitan Museum of Art and many lush green parks. I being also fascinated by Apple show room as well, quite, architecture the city that never sleeps.


Dubai : UAE

Middle East “Dubai ”, surprisingly at this rank with 8.2 million visitors annually ,UAE a different state that today enjoy example of perfect architecture , offers world ‘s largest /highest building “Burj al Khalifa” and pine islands with “Burj-ul-Arab” the world most expensive hotel  provides total fascination.


Istanbul: Turkey

Turkey, where Asia and Europe kiss each other, The Capital Istanbul visited by around 7.7million people a year. Once known as Constantinople ranked 3rd in Europe and 8th in the world .The main attractions are Blue Mosque , Hagia Sophia, the Topkapi palace and grand Bazar with lots of friendly people to guide you with their hospitality.


Hong Kong: China

The financial hub of the world Hong Kong, China helps the city to attract 7.2 million people annually with its stunning Sky scrapers with soaring hills and green country sides.


Shanghai: China

Shanghai-china the 10th most visited place on earth with 6.87 million visitors a years, the largest city of China, International Chinese hub it’s the place where global customs meet Chinese traditions.

Knowing these ten most visited places of world makes you go both ways either visit them or not as the pros and cons of these places as if so many guys are visiting these places there must be something  to be seen  on the other side  these places are overrun by foreigners but the administration of these cities makes them  favorable.

Anyone can find all the places on “To be visited” list of a travelers and I don’t have a different list.

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